Tuesday, August 18, 2009

High Risk; High Profit

ASX (Australia Securities Exchange) is a site that provide market data, share price of Australia. Besides, It includes tools (simulation known as watchlist) that allowed you to monitor your share (for education purpose only). In order to utilize the tool, you need to have a log-in id & password (is free anyway!)

You can check it out at http://www.asx.com.au

In Malaysia, I didn't even touch a single piece of it.I have seen my ex-colleague used to visit website e.g OSK to monitor their shares all the time. While I'm a freshy and still doing research in this area. ~ more to learn! Sean's wife had revealed a little of her experience regarding her share-market in Australia. As she is a full time housewife (making money at home) the share she had is concerning her routine activities. For e.g.

a) Bank whereby she need to withdraw/deposit money- ANZ, Westpac, NAB....
b) Supermarket that she visited often for her neccessity - Coles (WestFarmers), Woolworth....

According to her,
shares that sold off with profit gained (within a year) , 50% will be taxed (if you're eligible as tax-payee) Note: As long as your annual income is AUD6,000 and above, you'll be TAX.

Last but not least, I would welcome any suggestion and feedback.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Life..Good nor Bad..Still we've to take it!

Congratulation to a friend of mine ~ Lian just delivered her baby boy on Aug 5 2009....Her husband just uploaded the photos on "Facebook" and the baby is still small with eyes closed. Can't really see whose he looked alike!

And this morning, I received a bad news from Angie (my ex-colleague) telling me that the house had been sold off! What a pity... I suggested her to seek for others. The house might not good enough for them!

This is life! There is always up and down; low and high.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trip to Caversham Wildlife Park

At the first place, we thought of visiting Cohunu Wildlife Park. After browsing through the internet, we found out that the park is obviously a bit smaller. Hence, we decided to visit Caversham in Whiteman!

Venue: Caversham Wildlife Park
Time: 10a.m ~ 3p.m
Date: 01/08/2009
Weather: Bright Sunny Day
Fees: 22(Adult). 8.00(3-14 years old)

A snap at the entrance...

Spaghetti for lunch...

National flower~ Golden Wattle


Tasmanian Devil...

This is an opened-air area for you to join-in with the kangaroos. Did you know that, they are much more friendly than I thought. They just love you to feed them (with the food provided.) (sort like oat and grass in capsule)!
This is the first time so closed-up with the kangaroos. We have been warned by the guard that we are not supposed to run around because we might scare them...

Farm Show- Sheep Shearing

Farm Show- Feeding the lamb

Flying Fox and birds

Emus (ostrich) and



Parrot saying "Hello