Thursday, April 29, 2010

29 Apr 2010 ,Thursday

I'm starting late today-3.00pm ~11.00pm
However, I'll be there till 9.00pm only....
As, I told them I'm not able to catch a bus and train after 11.00pm
That's why I'll be leaving at 9pm!
[FYI, $$ you earned after 7pm will not being taxed!]

I'll be starting late again next Tuesday from 12.00pm to 8.00pm 
Still I'm able to catch a bus and train after that
Therefore, I didn't plan to swap with anyone! :)
* Someone had swapped with me without noticing me-----will be working from 6.45~2.45pm on Tuesday!
I'm happy about that ;) Lucky dude-

Our social club is organizing a 'dine and wine' tomorrow at 7pm (AUD25pp)
* wrong information provided, should be 21st May 2010....
Most probably, I won't be attending because I'll be leaving office at 3.45pm
Besides, I don't drink wines nor beers!  
* Might join them for a drink- "1 apple juice, please!" (still undecided yet! Time for me to to enlarge my circle of friends in Australia ~that's what Angie told me)
* that's the lifestyles in western country ~ no surprise seeing them drinking alcohol or even coke early in the morning!
Summer is over. The average of the weather now is about 22C~25C!
On the other hand, the winter clothing is on big bargain!
Of course, I won't miss that! Had bought a few knitted apparels for myself too.
Show you next time!
Congratulation to Ban Ho Papa~ my former housemates
Another blessing to his family! :)
Time for me to say goodbye..
Take care

Saturday, April 17, 2010



当你有一位很朋友告诉你 ~ "如果你这样对我的话,我们将不再是朋友了!"
我本人认为这朋友根本不值得一提~ 不交也罢!潇洒吗?

可笑吗? 真是天大的笑话....

很多人都说~"多一个朋友,就少一个敌人." 我绝对赞成!
但是,对于那些朋友多的朋友而经常发生不愉快的事情;那我就觉得 ~"少一个朋友,就少点麻烦."

老妈子和我妹都经常笑我 "自闭子!"


Point Water Reserve

Point Water Reserve is another superb location for BBQ & picnicking. My former colleague ~ Ms.Yeap did mention about the beach before. Last Saturday (10 April 2010), we finally make our mind to be there! Therefore, I would like to share some of the photos with you..

a) When the tide is on the ebb....

b) Black swan in act!

c) The dock!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 9 2010

I left home at 6 sharp as I'm starting at 7.45...

由于时间早的很,所以就停留在McDonald买了一分McBreakfast和一杯热腾腾的 "Hot Chocolate" (天气还满冷-大概22~23度吧!) Breakfast 就当做我的Lunch!

Waiting for the bus with a stranger. Finally, the bus was there at 6.15....

当我坐在巴士和火车上的时候,都会想起我在KL的第一分工作 ~那时候的我也乘搭公共交通去上班. 日子还挺开心的!

Though time flied, still I remembered the time when Ida, Corlyn, Shyuan and I 're getting together.


I'm having internal training next week, so I don't have to pick up calls on Tuesday and Wednesday. Besides, I have something to share with you,  customers were asking me whether I'm a Dutch or not! I just claimed that I'm a Malaysian who just moved to Perth less than a year. Besides, they exclaimed that I'm able to speak good English over the phone! 

我当然开心呀!(是无比的开心)- 我选择这份工目的是可让我brush-up我的English. 而且,可让我对Perth增加点信心. 不妨告诉你们, 有亲朋戚友问我; 真的可以在外地找到工作吗 (尤其是western country)

Frankly speaking, I have no confidence at all! :(


Sunday, April 4, 2010

A step closer to nature

Both of us just came back from Albany (a 3-days and 2-nights trip) due to Easter Friday and Good Monday (Public Holiday in WA). As I told you before, it's about 406km (approx. 6 hours drive) away from Perth and you couldn't find any tall building in Albany, only plants and beaches! It's certainly a place of interest in WA if you looking to take a step closer to nature.

We departed at 6 in the morning on Friday and reached Albany around 12.30pm. Unfortunately, there was a heavy downpour on the first day,we could only stayed at the hotel watching Pasta! (Luckily we had our notebook with us)

The next day, we visited The Wind Farm, The Gap, The Blowhole and the Whale World.
Video: The Wind Farm
Video: The Gap
Video: The Blowhole 1
Video: The Blowhole 2

Photos: Here

My husband....


最近我和老公才看完一部韩剧-Pasta (파스타) 。 刚开始还觉得不这么看好,原因是男女主角并不是很“红”,而却他们也不算是什么俊男美女。。。 

但看了几集后,又觉得故事还挺可爱的 ~ 故事诉说一位女子为了坚持想做PASTA而奋斗-就这样熬过了三年之后她终于荣升为厨房里的No#9,有机会握住煎锅。没想到带着“我的厨房里没有女人”的信念来到这里的新厨师长却逼她离开。。。就这样发生种种事件!

不说的也说了, 是个“HAPPY ENDING”的结局!(不像那苦苦啼啼的)

From left: 李荷妮, 李善均,孔孝真, Alex