Monday, April 30, 2012


Finally, I decided to deactivate my facebook account >,< In case there is anything urgent or you would like to share your photos with me, drop me an email at 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


聊聊闲话, 不要当真!

昨天跟colleague很无聊的提起one night stand 一夜情
很不出奇的, 她告诉了我很多..
她问我, 是否很坏?

If you're still single, take the chance to explore
but just remember, safety always come first!

那是我对洋人的说法. 对唐人, 我会说同一番话吗?

满 interesting 的 topic 吧?

她也反问了我, "你呢"? 答案很简单- 只有No..
她又问: 你会想吗?

我发现所谓的一夜情,只会出现在PUB而已! 你人为呢?
我本人都不属于那世界的人, 机会等于零..

我也很坦白的说: 不会... 

我重复的我自己, 我会吗? 我真的不晓得..
I might or I might not...

她是single, 又有泡pub的习惯, 所以见怪不怪
更何况, 她是洋人...

你呢? 你想过吗?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Listening to LiteFM Malaysia while blogging in the middle of the night! :)

Heheh....I will be going off for a short-breakie as mum will be reaching Perth on 2nd May. I can't wait  at all because we have heaps of program and in the meantime, I just wanna stop thinking of my job for the time being.

Just recently, one of my sis visited Perth to attend business meeting. Unfortunately, I didn't spend much time with her as that was a last-minutes trip. But  still we managed to visit the Raeburn Orchard, that's kinda close to my house.Feel free to browse the photos here.

On the other hand, since our PR will be expring soon, my husband and I had discussed about  getting Australia citizenship or still keep holding the PR. Frankly, I really do not mind taking up the so-called "exam" (before you could apply for the citizenship). Definitely one thing for sure, I won't be renouncing my Malaysia citizenship.

I do have lots to share but I have to knock off...

Before I left, this is my alfresco area with the solar butterfly light!