Thursday, November 12, 2009

None of your business?

"When are you getting a boyfriend?"

"When is your turn?"

"When are you getting pregnant?"

"When are you getting second one?"


Is this been popping on your mind? I'm sure you had heard of these as well ! NO OFFENSE to everyone out there, as I just wish to speak it right from heart-to-heart! ;) 

In front of you, she tends to be tough. However, deepest of her heart; she cried solitary while hiding her true feeling. Do you people notice that, those are really annoying and frustrating!  You're putting pressure to her, aren't you? The following shown two-ways to tackle the root. Which would YOU prefer ~ in an orderly manner or vice-versa?

In a polite manner:
- "It's not the time yet, GOD will decide it for me!"
- "I'm not as LUCKY as you"
- "I'm still considering!"
- "No worries, you'll get updated whenever there is a good news."

The other way round:
- "Why bother asking?"
- "It's none of your business!"
- "You're such a nuisance! Why keep asking the same question? Don't we've a better topic?"
- "Stop asking me those STUPID question!"

Anyhow, I prefer beating around the bushes to my friends though I might get hurt sometimes! Would you do the same to your friends? Speaking right to your heart......