Thursday, July 29, 2010


a) I'm so excited and yet so happy because I received a commendation from a customer yesterday. Frankly speaking, I almost cried on the phone (tears of joy of course!)

b) Last 2 days, when I was waiting for my husband at the train station, I saw this fellow purposely dropped his pant showing his orange undies(the two "pao") to the public! GOSH...

c) I have re-scheduled my flight to Malaysia ~ Supposedly, we'll be staying in Malaysia for a month.  Unfortunately, due to unpredictable circumstances, we'll be in Malaysia for two weeks only! :(

d) I'm OFF today but will be working on Friday and Saturday!

e) I have salary increment and waiting for my claim from the Tax Office!

f) I should be hearing good news from the Keystart! 

Anything to add on? Nothing much at the moment....................Tata