From next Monday onward, I'm no longer taking T-BOX and T-HUB calls...
and temporarily, I'll be moving to COMPLAINTS team to manage the customers' complaint
Currently, there are heaps of complaint that had not been action, Perth will be assisting New South Wales (NSW), handling the complaints. Basically, we'll be assigned 10 cases/day. After-all, we'll give a ring to customer, acknowledging them I'll be the customer's case manager. On the other hand, we'll need to provide them a concrete solution (whereabouts customer is happy about it).
For me, it will definitely a challenging and exciting job as there won't be any Right Now Answer for us anymore. e.g Customer complained that their bill is over-charged.
I need to call Billing to check out the reason why their bill is being over-charged...If I found out that fault lies from our end here, I'll need to re-credit that amount to customer.
Before that, I used to warm/cold transfer the call to Billing for further assistance. Furthermore, I don't have the access to credit the amount to customer
In the meantime, I will then be working on a fixed schedule (7am-2.30pm Mon-Fri)
Wish me ALL the BEST ;)