Friday is always awesome to me! Since I started working, I'm always looking forward for Friday night...
Though I'm not the party type-I'll be 'FREE' from hassle for at least 2-days. >,<
Yesterday, my husband and I had a discussion what color to be painted and we decided to go for some soft color (total of 5 difference color). Finger crossed that all the colors will be just perfect-matched to the house.
- 2 colors for the 3 bedrooms as they'll soon be carpeted in BROWN color (something that will contrast to brown color)
- Only 1 color will be applying to laundry, en-suite, bathroom and toilet.
- 2 colors to be applied to kitchen, meals and family area as I need to get something that will match to the floor and wall tiles in kitchen.
Guess what? I'm now streaming to Mix FM Malaysia AGAIN ~because of the 'MANGLISH ' that I used to????
I'm back to queue today for just the 2 hours ~due to high volume I guess! I thought that I must had forgotten what to do because I had not been on call for 2 months. Luckily, the customers were pretty fine and kinda happy. On the other hand, I'm kinda worried too as there are some changes that I might not be aware of!
Before I knock-off, I found that I haven't really show you the exact house plan. Therefore, check out the following attachment (It's just a baby lot- I don't mind sharing!)
Have a lovely weekend and spend them wisely, OK? (Note: I'm talking to myself)