Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Unstoppable Grandmother Story"

I'm all alone in this cold and chilling night! 
Keng visited his friend and the couples were not around too..
I don't mind staying at home alone because I'm able to blast my speaker to the 'max' again
Listening to MIX Malaysia of course...
(my fav. radio station)

Oh GOSH, my house had finally came to the last 3 steps. They started the construction in late Feb and completed in mid July. It took just 5-months for completion. It's unbelievable, right? Someone might be thinking of the stability of the house? Honestly, I have no idea at all- will need to monitor and let you know later.

Furthermore, I'm kinda impressed of the process of the construction- Did I mention earlier? I guess not! Only ONE worker for each of the step along the construction!
Just to share with you that this is hydrangea 绣球花 in Chinese
and this is bougainvillea 九重葛 in Chinese

I'm thinking of planting mandarin, apple, grapes, vegetables and etc but not sure whether I'm capable enough!
I remembered during the days in Malaysia, I did have a cherry tomato plant and orchid before and I named my orchid as 'Demi' because I'm huge fans of Demi Moore at that time. Guess what, I still have the orchid kept in my prayer book.  That's the reason, I'm kinda proud of myself. :)

I'm talking to mum over the skype
Perhaps, I might have to just stop here
Talk to you next time