Saturday, August 20, 2011

It happened long long time ago...

Yesterday when I was lying on bed , I thought of my childhood and only certain part of the memory 'lives'. While I'm able to reckon some, I would like to mark them down:

1) I'm alike tomboy during my childhood- climbing and jump from the gate! (that's the reason my sis used to follow me- a very bad example actually!)
2) I held my sis hand when I was sleeping- kinda sweet,right? [It's because I'm way to scare to sleep alone in dark]
3) We used to play "ma-masak" @ our backyard- assuming the brick walls as the oven, rambutan leaves as the plates and last but not least, the mud as the food! I still remembered we made our own "congkak" too.
4) I used to make my mum "mad & crazy" beating me all time~ I even hid  myself in the toilet.
5) Grandpa used to give me some money before going to school. (RM 1 is a lot to me..)
6) I used to fight with my sis, but grandpa didn't stop us. He stood there and kept shouting @ me ~ beat your sis down!!  (He knew I won't fight back!)
7) Attempting to smoke ~ I secretly took one from grandpa's and try out (Frankly, no one notice at all)
8) Every time when we visited the shopping mall (with our parents), we always had 2 big bag full of junk food. I really fell in love with the green bean snack at that time! :)
9) Our "ang pao" (from grandparents) were always special compared to the other grandchild!
10) We have to clean our backyard (full of rambutan leaves) all the time whenever we're asked to! We couldn't say NO at all to our dad. Besides, he liked to get me to make him tea too.
11) During CNY, 5 of us (3 of us + my parents) had to pack in one room. Only 4 rooms available~ 2 rooms had been occupied by my grandparents. The other room will have to share by 3 families during CNY.
12)  When I was playing "police catching thief" with my neighbors, supposed by touching that person had already counted, guess what I did? I 'grab' that guy with both hands. It's absolutely ridiculous yet hilarious to me. LOL
13) My sis and I met a naked man after our tuition. We took shortcut (the place they were bathing but we didn't notice the man)
14) We + other cousins met another naked guy (purposely dropping his clothes) during CNY.
15)  I poured water on my cousin's bed (he was staying with us for 2 years). He even did something stupid- putting powder to cover that.
16) I remembered that we had lamb chop during one of the CNY. Normally, we used to have steamboat!
17) We have to take turn to wash the plates after dinner. (exception happen only during our birthday)
18) I stole a cassette tape (Jimmy Lin) from from of the shopping mall. Luckily, I was not been caught! (Nothing to do with my parents- I was just too curious-I guess!)
19) I used to drop by my mum's parents house after tuition- they liked to make us kopi 'O'/Milo.
20) My dad knew we're not vege. lover- we're forced to eat them. Whenever there were vege dishes, he will definitely placed that on our plates (as I mentioned, we couldn't say NO at all to him)- Because of that, I'm a tofu lover now!
21) My dojo friends/schoolmates dare not come to my house- because of my DAD!
22) Mum bought and hide those sticks (to beat us when we're a nuisance). Guess what? We'll break and threw them away if we knew where the stick was...
23) My first time consuming alcohol was on my mum's dad (my grandpa) birthday with my cousins. We really enjoyed a lot.
24) My first bicycle was a BMX.
25) My sis, mum and I (on motorbike) were being stopped by policeman due to not wearing helmet and/or 3 of us (supposed 2pac on a bike).

I can't remember much about the time I spent with the youngest one. The only 2 things I could remember:
a) She thought grandpa's medicine were sweet. Of course, she was then sent to hospital for 'cleaning-up'!
b) We went to college together with my dad to enrol myself.