Monday, June 29, 2009


Still remember my previous blog about Sean and Michael? We're introduced to Sean through Michael He had been in Perth for almost 3 year already.

Last Sat, we visited Sean. His wife is really 出的厅堂入得厨房 type! Now she is a full time housewife. Note: My next blog will only reveal her identity. Let's continue with my story about Sean.....

5 of us (including hubby and I, Sean and his wife with Michael) were chatting while eating nachoes and tangerine . "UTC" he exclaimed when I asked him his parents' location.I am a little anxious and curious because I have friends and relatives were staying there, perhaps he might know one of them!

Q & A section still go on........

"AHHHHHH....." I shouted! GOD, it is really UNBELIEVABLE! They 竟然 are my grandparent's old neighbor. I admitted to him that we used to steal the HIBISCUS where they planted outside and like to play with the tadpoles in the drain in front of their house. (That's my childhood memories!)

I called my mum when we returned! One of our dojomates expressed to her that his nephew had migrated to Perth as well and guess who's the migrant? is SEAN (Mr.Chong is Sean's uncle). Surprise!

My last word before signing off:-
a) Do not speak ill or condemn about others.
b) The world is so small! We are kinda tiny then......
c) Lot's of surprise awaiting!
