Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fremantle- Part II

Searching for "小食" in Fremantle Market

Back to the year 1897....

Building adjacent the market...

Cherries for me! It's AUD5/packet...

Sushi for both of us [2 California rolls and another 2 for take-away]

Chicken satay and fried fish balls....

Leather wristband for myself ...

Sunglass for him...



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~*~*~* ~*~*~*

Since today is the last day of 2009, I would take this opportunity to wish everyone:
" New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations, new is the resolution, new are the spirits and forever my warm wishes are for you. Have a promising and fulfilling New Year. "

Kings Park

From Perth City..... 

Kings Park from different angle....



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Homemade Butter Cookies (Shortbread)

3/4 cup of butter
1/4 cup of sugar
2 cup of plain flour

1. Preheat the oven at 180 C (350 F)
2. Whisk the above mentioned ingredient in a large bowl ~ End up becoming a dough! (Note: make sure the dough is smooth)
3. Cut into pieces and transfer them to the baking pan.
4. Bake for 20 minutes ~ until light yellow. Cool on rack.

P/S: The cookies are full of butter aroma!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fremantle- Part I

During my first landing to Perth  last February, I merely visited the Fremantle!

On 24 Dec 2009, we decided to visit Fremantle again ~  Hubby was highly depending on me "the manual GPS" (Note: I was relying on the map neither!). As we're almost reaching our destination, I directed him the wrong way so we're had to go around the alternate route! Without much expectation, we're at the downhill car-parking of Fremantle Prison.(Below photos: Entrance to Fremantle Prison)-I suggested to take a look of it!

After entrance, you'll reach the Cafeteria and Visitor Centre (No fee incurred if hanging around this area)

After a 10-min discussion, we planned to go for one of the tour - Doing Time Tour. The tour is mainly reflecting the life of convicts and prisoners!

Length: 1 hour 15 min
Price:  AUD18 (for adult) and AUD9.50 (for children)

Before entering the prison- Larger Window (Chapel) and Tiny Window (Prison)

In the prison area and one of the "room" (below)

Kitchen area and historical images visualizing the kitchen in 18 century (below)

Hanging-man area

Spanking-man area and there was an artistic paint by the  prisoner on wall

Chapel in the prison and 18 century organ (pic on left showed the women worshiped on first floor)

 Office area and a list of superintendent since year 1854

 Photo with the tour guide (My silly face?? on the right)

Going downhill ~ ending our trip!

More pic on Fremantle Prison can be accessed at My Facebook

* We only managed to visit Doing Time Tour (Other 3 different tours includes Great Escape, Tunnels and Torchlight)

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