Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Recipe- Herbal Tea Egg

Do you notice that nowadays cooking can be easy? Trust me! Taking the herbal tea egg as an example, anyone including me and you can prepare them so easily! ;)

a) 2 sachets (pronounced sa-shay) of herbal tea egg spices
b) 4 tablespoons light soy sauce
c) 1.5 tablespoons dark sauce
d) dark brown sugar (optional)

e) 15-30 eggs

My cooking instruction:- 
Step 1. Rinse the eggs with water and put them into a pot of boiled water. 
Step 2. After 10 ~15 minutes (medium heat), rinse them with cold water (egg with shell). 
Step 3. Crack the eggs by using the spoon (leaving the shell together). 
Step 4. Boil another pot of water with the above ingredients. 
Step 5. Add those eggs to the boiled water. 
Step 6. Reduce to medium heat and allow the herbal soup to simmer. 
Step 7. Serve hot after 2~4 hours.

My suggestion: Let it stays overnight. I bet they taste much more better! (Of course, it depends on individual preferences) 
If you wish to prepare the herbal tea egg (by replacing the sachets), these are the herbs required:
- 10g mo yi cha (tea leaves)
- 8g star anise
- 10g cloves
- 29g sok tei
- 13g sou or
- 15g chun kong
- 10g tong kwai tau
- 16g kum cho
- 18g chan pei (dried mandarin peel)
- 13g fah chiew
- 11g cinnamon bark
- 12g kwai chi chim
- 8g heong kam soe

(extracted from The Stars- Kuali)