Sunday, April 4, 2010

A step closer to nature

Both of us just came back from Albany (a 3-days and 2-nights trip) due to Easter Friday and Good Monday (Public Holiday in WA). As I told you before, it's about 406km (approx. 6 hours drive) away from Perth and you couldn't find any tall building in Albany, only plants and beaches! It's certainly a place of interest in WA if you looking to take a step closer to nature.

We departed at 6 in the morning on Friday and reached Albany around 12.30pm. Unfortunately, there was a heavy downpour on the first day,we could only stayed at the hotel watching Pasta! (Luckily we had our notebook with us)

The next day, we visited The Wind Farm, The Gap, The Blowhole and the Whale World.
Video: The Wind Farm
Video: The Gap
Video: The Blowhole 1
Video: The Blowhole 2

Photos: Here

My husband....