Monday, July 27, 2009

A Celebration.....

A good news...Unfortunately, that's was not from me! ;)

Nowadays, to own a house of your-own is kinda easy. However, for her, she might need to think twice. Friends around her been pushing her a lot to get one and she just kept quiet all the time. [she is kinda depressed being confronted] Their intention was identically good and understandably for the sake of her, but i knew that she must had her difficulties that ppl might not aware of.

I am sure she deserved it as God knew that she had been putting a lot of efforts on it ;)


Angie: 终于守得云开见月明! Congratulation.. I'm really happy for you. Show me the photos of your home-sweet-home, ok? I bet Jian and Xian must be happy to have their own room finally! ;)