Saturday, July 18, 2009

Shelley River. Driving Lesson

Venue: Shelley River, Canning
Date: 18 June 2009
Weather: Sunny Bright

River Mood: Peaceful. Tranquility. Serene
Activities: Kayaking (Canoeing), Fishing, Picnic (no swimming)

Ming's Mood: Relaxing.Soothing

Here are some photos for sharing: -

After 20 minutes stays, we straightaway drove to our next destination! My driving lesson is still smooth-sailing under hubby's guide! Hence, there are a few items I need to take into account:

a) Look into the interior mirror, signal out and checks the blind spot before changing lanes.
b) Apply no sound when pulling the brakes.
c) No single hand on the handle-bar - had used to be in Malaysia :(
d) Both hands not overtake!